Internship Journal #4

March 22, 2013
This week was filled mostly with adult and children prophys with x-rays, but there was one interesting case in between. A woman presented with multiple retained roots on the right side of her maxilla, also with most of her teeth missing. I assisted the resident while she extracted three roots, which was a pretty quick procedure. I did not say anything in front of the patient but I was really curious as to what happened to her. The doctor informed me that she used to be living in a violent relationship and after repeated beatings she had lost her teeth and some of the crowns broke right off. I was so sad for her, but the doctor assured me that her living situation was better now, that is why she is able to get her oral cavity repaired. I think it is very important to recognize the signs of abuse we learned in seminar with Dr. Archer. Even if there is nothing I can do to help that situation except recommend a woman’s shelter, at least when we become registered hygienists we will be mandated reporters and can report child abuse to the NYS Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment.

Internship Journal #3

March 8, 2013
It is always a great experience at the hospital, but this week was something else! I got to watch as a doctor’s treatment plan was to place two implants. This was very exciting! I observed as she was cutting open the gingiva, layer by layer and was actually surprised how long it took to get down to the bone. I have never worked at a dental office, it is always interesting to see the amount of instruments they use. When the bone was exposed the attending Periodontist wasn’t sure if the patient actually had enough bone for the implants- they were going to be replacing #’s 7 and 10, the patient was missing 6-11. The resident began to drill, and it was apparent there just wasn’t enough bone. The resident had to do a bone graft on the patient and is having them come back in six months for an evaluation to see how the bone takes and discuss the option of the implants again. Very cool to watch!

Internship Journal #2

February 22, 2013
I have to say, once again, it was a great experience in Flushing hospital!
This past Friday I assisted for two 3rd molar extractions. It was crazy! The first was #32, it seemed to be straight forward and the doctor had direct vision the entire time. The second was #16, which seemed more difficult. This doctor said vison can be a serious issue. Even when assisting, I could not see half the time and was just hoping the suction was ok! What was cool about this procedure, was that the patient wanted to have nitrous oxide. I got to see how the doctor administered, and I saw the signs in the patient. I stepped in to assisted for a few minutes on another more difficult extraction of #32 that was impacted. The occulsal of this 3rd molar was completely vertical! This doctor had to drill through bone and watching this was actually a little scary! I’ve never seen the mandible like that!! Not to mention that the drilling of the bone smelled so bad!
Well, it was another great Friday and I am once again looking forward to the next!