Author Archives: Jennifer Sears

Student Profile: Reem Flifel

My drawings folder is really important to me, along with my drawing kit, so if I’m going to a different place for about three days or more, I have to get them with me so I could look back at … Continue reading

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Learning Communities: Student Profiles

In this series, students will post a short piece of writing about a personal item that either offers a sense of identity and/or helps them feel more secure as they define their identify as new students at New York City College … Continue reading

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“How To Be Emotionally Intelligent” by Daniel Goleman (New York Times)

Here is a link to Daniel Goleman’s essay about important factors of “emotional intelligence” cultivated not just by college freshmen by the world’s most successful corporate leaders.  Read the whole article “How to Be Emotionally Intelligent”  in the New York … Continue reading

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Post Your Student Profile!

In today’s class, we read the New York Times photo essay about students new to school. You also wrote your own reflections on items that have relevance right now for you and for your identity as you progress through this year … Continue reading

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First Year Experience: Photo Essay

Here is a link we’ll  look at in class today.  Please review again on your own time.:

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THE FIX: Essay 1

Today we looked at more beginnings of essays. We considered pronouns.  The first sample had too many vague pronouns (you, he, and it) We also considered ways to transition in and out of your ideas and the outside sources.  The … Continue reading

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Integrating Quotations: A Breakdown and Quiz

This online resource is helpful: We will look at this in class today.  If you are absent, please check the link and try the interactive quiz.  

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Essay #1: Sample Introductory Paragraphs

Here are the sample introductory paragraphs we worked on in class.  Remember these were first drafts written very quickly! The main idea here is to understand the three basic components of an introductory paragraph for a college essay: the general … Continue reading

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Essay #1: Narrative Essay Assignment and Planning Sheet

Here are the handouts you received in class today for the essay you are writing in-class on Monday, Sept. 28. First, ENG 1101 Narrative Essay Assignment Sheet: choose only 1 of the options.   You are responding to either Colson … Continue reading

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Brooklyn Book Festival this Sunday!

This Sunday is the Brooklyn Book Festival!  The event is at Borough Hall Plaza, St. Francis University, and at Brooklyn Law School . We’re reading Nelson George right now in our class and he is one of the featured speakers … Continue reading

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