In modern day design should help bring balance to us. The design should have a purpose to help our surroundings, to help us, and to give the function priority. Design has an aesthetic aspect that it’s deemed as not essential and biased, it does not have it’s own purpose and many artists want to remove the expected look of a new creation. Design is different because it can impact how we see things, how we interpret media, It’s a way that bauhaus tried to unite the world through function beyond a particular community. Bauhaus saw that design plays a role in more than just functionality, but also the future communication and its potential for better understanding regardless of language and location. People need a reason to strive, a drive to achieve something, maybe people want to know why am I building this project. Designers want to show their talent, they may want to help, to be a part of history, make a living, enhance their respective field, could be that they were inspired by some sort of event good or bad. Technology has created many new jobs and also replaced others. Designers work together with technology to create new tools and to enhance a user’s productivity, there are other technologies that have made new discovery possible. Technology can help a designer test and see how effective their work is, does it bring a function or balance into society, or does it push us forward. Many technology can help those with disability and also connect us from anywhere. Designers can enhance previous technology to fit new changing trends. Designers face many problems and sometime backlash for creations which are not well thought out and do not benefit all. Some creations are not optimized or lack flexibility. Some are biased and don’t include certain populations. Designers have to set an example and be responsible for what happens with creation, its influence, and how it may positively or negatively affect society.