As technology progress, the forms in which we intake and relay media have as well. With each new medium, there are underlying consequences to its use. For despite the most innocent intentions are sill intentions none-the-less. How we choose to advocate any message will garner not only a response but a reaction. What we do with what we have is a message within and of itself. As Marshall McLuhan explains, the development and advancement of automobiles were made with the intention of travel, however, the consequences of Automation stealing jobs were the consequences. The car was the medium of the message. It can also be said that because Cars are an extension of us, Of our functions as a core, that there is more emphasis on consequence; it is more personal. The best example of this is Light and light bulb. The light bulb is merely an extension of man, that being our eyes. The development of the light bulb is an enhancement with many practical uses that extend beyond the reach of man. How said light bulb is used is neither here nor there, yet why it is used is more prominent. Similar to that of money, money itself has in turn become an extension of human value, be it used for food or living. When questioning why it’s used it then takes on meaning. It is the medium of a revolution, not an economy, or international affairs. It, the medium, retains this message as the answer to a “why”.