With the establishment of the Bauhaus, a new idea of being artists comes to surface. The artist of the past is not good enough because they are tought theory and to follow specific rules, but they were never given the freedom to practice and explore their own creativity. With the founding of the Bauhaus school, Walter Gropius intends to change that. The artist of the future needs to learn theory and foundations yes, but they also need to incouraged to explore the world outside of the classroom, explore creativity outside of rules set by their instructors. Only this way they can bring the best out of themselves and design unique products.  Artists also need to learn the new language of graphic design, only this way they can communicate their ideas appropriately. T

When Laszlo Moholy-Nagy joined the Bauhaus, he introduced new technologies in the practice of graphic design. With technology, a revolution in the world of typography started to happen. Herbert Bayer designed the Universal alphabet, which started a revolution in Typography. Because of the introduction of new technologies, typography needed to evolve to the same level. Typography because it’s a tool of visual communication. Different typefaces convey different meanings and feelings. These ideas are still true to this day.