My thoughts on the reading:

Machines are taking the life out of our society, We all essentially bow down to it as we’ve become extremely reliant on mechanical labor. It is because of these technological advancements that we’ve lost our sense of being, of individuality. However, since we can’t take away the mechanical system we’ve trapped ourselves into, It is up to the individual to change their perception, intentions, and attitude to this new and ever-evolving way of life. However, that does not top say that all machines are bad. Previously, artists or those with artistic spirit were limited to what type of school they attended and if they could attend school at all. This system brought about social isolation, Identifying artists by scholarship rather than artistic merit. It also put a societal label on what “aft” is. Rather than leaving it up to the artist and consumer themselves. Artistic expression was no longer that, but a lecture on what it should be rather than what it can be. That’s not to say, however, that school isn’t important. School can teach us discipline, foundation, and habit. Yet art should be built upon these teachings rather be limited to said teachings. In a sense, by combining. Both the academic and the freedom of individual expression, only then can artist master their craft, even in the presence of a mechanical future. This can give life to new forms of artistic expression, of construction, of collaboration, and so much more that can not be obtained when limiting oneself to individual factions. In actuality, the advancement of technology and all that comes with it is built of the idea of unity. Rather than letting it separate us, we as people and artists should make the conscious effort to allow it to unify us. Be it through posters, illustrations, Commercial design; as time moves on we are producing for a mass market, interacting and communicating with people we might not have before. It is because of this that we must also think harder about what we say and produce as language is one of if not the most important, powerful, and influential tools we have.