This is an advertisement ad from Camel Snus, a tobacco company targeting the LGBT community. This ad shapes the company as an accepting and progressive company, but in reality it is pandering to the LGBT community to buy tobacco products. It is almost predatory and opportunistic, as they wear a veil of acceptance simply to increase sales. LGBT+ people are more likely to smoke compared to their heterosexual cisgender counterparts.

Here we have a commercial from the Biden campaign called Shop Talk Trust. It targets African-Americans, specifically Black men to vote. While I believe this commercial is well intentioned, encouraging Black men to vote and it is not following stereotypes, to some degree it is also pandering. At the end of the day this is politics and politicians have to pander to groups if they want this specific community’s vote.

This is a promo ad for a DC Comics event where the main heroes hand over the mantle to a younger generation. To me this paints as DC as a company that is trying to be more inclusive and diverse. You see several people of color like Jackson Hyde (Aquaman), the new Wonder Woman named Yara Flor, and some characters even have disabilities. Despite this being temporary as comics always return to the status quo, they are putting some effort like getting Black writers for Black characters.