The artists of the Bauhaus believed that the goal of the artists should be to achieve equilibrium, unity of design, a oneness, abandoning the old, tired notion of man vs the universe.

Gropius admonishes the academy for commodifying art and enticing artists with the Icarian notion of genius and fame instead of opening their minds. The matter of creating art requires something more. Something that cannot be learned in a classroom, seated at a desk, burying one’s face into the spine of a book. More than steadfast observation and application of fundamentals and theory. The goal should be to produce art that has meaning. And that’s still a relevant challenge for artists today. The fear of creating vacuous, transactional art bereft of meaning. Like a machine.

The objective pf the artist is to communicate their feelings. Language is another form of communication. It allows us to share our thoughts with the world. Adopting the proper vocabulary will help facilitate the expression of one’s ideas to others. Words such as perspective, tonality, and depth are important to a fine artist.