According to these artists, the art in the past was centered around “the academy” and keeps the artist away from the industry and handicraft. Walter Gropius said this situation limits the artists and their possibilities. He made a clear statement when he declared “Schooling alone can never produce art”. Besides, the education of the basis is necessary in parallel with the experience in the real world, where the artists can find inspiration even in environments that are not related to art.
The new strategies that they referred are those related to the new world who is heavily influenced by the prominent presence of the visual arts, in a world where what we see determines if we are attracted or not to the art, literature, and advertisement. This brings the necessity of adapting the words to the visual, mix them, make them compatible, and created a specie of visual literature. All these components are necessary to fuse and keep pushing the new ways of forms of art and design that will determine how the future will look.
The language must find new paths to keep transmitting its meaning in the new eras, the language should appropriate the advantages of visual art to deliver in a clearer manner to new generations. The more we see, the less we read. Constant exposure to visual material has dulled our sense of seeing and our memory. This phenomenon is devastating for the new apprentices and students, who are unable to hold their attention in long readings, lectures, or educational videos. This is a huge wall that my generation must surpass to get the knowledge. At least until the technology finds a way to transmit those pieces of knowledge directly to our brains.
They preview a world where the library will be a substitute for an archive of microfilms. Now, we know in the reality library will be a substitute for a digital version inside of the internet. Where we can access all that knowledge through hyperlinks. However, the idea of the books disappearing from the paper medium keeps being a running possibility. Finally. They predicted they will be a universal visual medium that closes the gap between languages. They are huge advances in that field. We can name translator programs directly, emojis, graphic elements that acknowledge almost in the whole roundness of the planet.