This article describes the intention of how these authors of manifesto insight on the future and how technology affects design. These manifestos are rather futurist biased which is why the way they speak in their manifesto is rather aggressive and out of nature for some people. The main purpose of this article was to show the desire of design being used by  technology , and how it is being used.

For Marinetti’s manifesto the invention of technology has caused him to believe that traditional use of design and art have no uses as more inventions of technology are being used. He also mentions how Marinetti and the people before them are considered scrap for the new generation to take over and to do better than what they can do.  Rochendiko believes the past method of use of design now considers old and the new system of design is what meant to be used in the future. These jobs are not considered artistic for Rochendiko and others but rather the job of designing such things are more constructivistic than artistic. He also mentions that it is a bandwagon people jump on when it comes to.

Our Book from El Litisizky explains that technology holds more power than it would usually do for design and it is taking over what used to be  the traditional design that has been used for a couple of decades. It wasn’t that much of an importance to me as it does not relate to the designer today since we use both traditional and technology based design and I don’t believe any of them are going to fall off anytime soon.