Assignment #3

              All these authors saw the importance technology was going to have on design along with the advancement technology was going to have on our future. Each author knew the importance of technology, but each author also showed a different appreciation for it. Filippo Marinetti was a futurism, he took the importance of technology to the extreme, to the point where he felt like it was useless for someone so young to focus most of their time and study to “useless manuscripts”, rather they should focus on the present and future. Aleksandr Rodchenko and others, on the other hand knew the importance of technology but also knew the importance of using your hand and being an artist, artist has transformed into constructors and engineers. You need to start with the essential languages of design: shapes, lines pattern, color, material and so on. Every plane, building and wall was once a lines, squares and angles before they were the fully functional and stable product. Lastly, El Lissitzky saw the importance technology was going to have on the printing industry and artist. Books weren’t going to be solely for the rich, it was going to be produced for thousands of people, along with the value of a book is always going to stand, which is funny because it completely contradicts Filippo Marinetti ideology on technology.

              Each one of these authors/artist has one thing in common and that is technology is beautiful, along with technology is going to improve plenty of artist and they are going to have to learn to adapt to it as well. On the other hand, with a common ground always comes with disagreement and I believe there’s a couple of things these authors would disagree with. For starters I believe both Aleksandr and El Lissitzky have more in common then Marinetti, they both would disagree with his futurism ideas behind his appreciation for technology. Technology and art are not just used for violence and aggression, you do not need to have aggressive attitude to be a poet or artist, there is more then one emotion an artist can bring to his/her work. It is ignorant to think that there is only one emotion an artist needs to display. Anger and aggression do not get planes and building built, anger and aggression isn’t what makes beautiful book covers, with both these things you need a calm, peaceful and precise mind to make any of these compositions. Not only that, books, libraries and museums are essential to both Aleksandr and El Lissitzky, how can you know the right dimensions of planes and buildings? How are you going to know what failed or succeeded? whats the point of print books if they need to be demolished? Bottomline is you cannot succeed without books; you cannot grow without prior knowledge of past successors, knowledge is key.