After readings these articles, language is complexed because language itself is always changing but to put it in simpler terms, language is a way human communicate with one another, either speaking or written. On the other hand, language is different from communication, we communicate with language and without language we cannot communicate. “Language is speech less speaking”. Language varies from person to person and with that the way we communicate we each other also varies, its how reply to each other, it a way of exchanging messages, with either speaking, writing or drawing it is all language. Even Design is a type of language. Designs is a unique type of language that can communicate a composition/concept by using colors, shapes, fonts, pattern, material, texture and even the layout. Just like regular language, a combination of certain word creates meaning and substance, that same idea applies to design. For example, everyone knows skull and cross bones is a designed icon that communicates poison, without even saying the exact words “poisonous” or “danger”, we see it we know it. Even the use of color, different colors mean different things and also the way you use warm color and/or cool colors also gives a different meaning, as a designer you have to know how to use this language to communicate to the public. Design also bring a psychological aspect of language that I thought about while reading the text, “…..the psychological imprint of the sound, impression that it makes on our senses” and that’s exactly how design plays a part of our language. It adds a foundation behind the decision that are made in designing.

Language is always modified and changing over time, and over that period our language creates a type of language using symbols and icon to communicates with the world. Symbols and icon are used in our everyday lives, to give directions, warnings, signals, movement, etc. Bottomline we use symbols and icon so much in our lives it a language we know by just constantly seeing, sometimes without having someone tell us what it means. We use these icons as a universal language to communicate with everyone no matter what language you speak, its used because our brains process figures and symbols faster then words. We don’t have to stop think and read, we can see and keep going. We automatically apply sign, signifier and signified concept to all icons and symbols we see, we automatically know its association. Like the example I used earlier with the skull and cross bones, the skull and cross bones is the signified aka the concepts and sound-image aka signified is danger or poisonous, for the most part its automatically built in our psyche.

After reading these passages, it makes me realize how much thought and effort goes into design as a whole just like language. Not only do you have to think of the social forces of language but the historical aspect of language because that plays a part on how language and the way use it to speak today. We use all these aspect of language in design to communicate. I think we should use more historical aspect in design and use more of historical background to bring more meaning to design. I think the more design grows and the more technology is created we use less and less historical backgrounds.