According to the authors Ferdinand and Lupton-Miller some people believe that language is only a naming process. Ferdinand further went on to say that the linguistic sign unites a concept and a sound image which is the psychological impression that is a mental picture captured in our minds. The words we speak are made up of letter sounds. Language has many characteristics. It is one of the systems of expression and deemed as the most complicated of all. It is different from communication in general because language is inherited from generation to generation based on traditions. Language plays a very important role in design because graphics and symbols were used to recreate what was being said. Graphics were drawn using sticks, stones, beads and much more. Without language we would not be able to communicate with each other.

        Word symbols are a part of the creation of language. It is not entirely made up of random choices and is the principle that links the signifier and the signified. Signifiers and the signified are a part of the sign system. They are components used to create statements. The signifier is the component used to create the graphic and the signified is the thought process and concept in graphic communication. It is stated that “the linguistic sign is arbitrary and has two characteristics since the beginning of time.”

        The fact that language is universal and has many components, makes it possible to create different forms of language. I can create new designs using the present technologies to create design that shows the ongoing progress of the different aspects of communication. The archaic numbering system shows us that language and the design process are connected because the language consists of people counting and the design process is the thought process of creating what is being said. The design of the numbering system has evolved over the years based on cultures. There are different principles when it comes to the numbering system such as ordering and grouping. The principle of ordering consists of one on one correlation between symbols and the objects that are being counted. While the principle of grouping puts groups of signs in smaller categories.