We have used forms of language for centuries. We use it to communicate with others daily in order to conduct some form of business to move around in our world. In the first text, it says that language is “a naming-process only—a list of words, each corresponding to the thing that it names.” It does state that there is something already wrong with it. It does not state that pictures could be used as well to define language and assumes that ideas are already in people’s brain when saying the words that make the language. Back then in the old days, they used to draw pictures to tell what is something, defined in their language. Obviously, it has evolved now into more advanced stages, but it was the way of communication, I think when it does come to communication though, it is the way it is carried out that makes a difference.

Communicating with one another is easy. When we design for others, it communicates many things. It can be simplicity, comfort, boldness, movement, and so on, We design to solve certain problems. Maybe we do not realize it, but we have to learn what needs to be good communication before we start drafting what needs to be the “language”. In an excerpt from Lupton Miller’s text, it talks about using tally marks to define what to count — what to score. Before we got to that, it was needed to know what has to be communicated first. If I am counting how many rocks are in my hand and I want to keep a marking of how much is there, now I have to decide on a probable solution — a designed solution. If I did not know language yet, I might point or use my fingers as a score in order to keep count. Now I have communicated to myself how much is in my hand. If I wanted to tell someone how much rocks is in my hand without them counting as well, I can show them my fingers and say in many ways than one that “this much” is how many rocks are in my hand. Now through the communication, we have used a certain language attained by the thought process and ideation phase in order to draft out a designed solution. I can use my fingers as language to communicate to others how much is something to keep a score. This is what I have seen language being developed to over the course of time.

When we go out into the world, we see signs everyday. There are simple signs and there are complex signs. These all derived from something and somewhere. Before the idea pops into our brain to speak and use language to communicate what is there, someone did that for us back then. The icons had to be drafted first, knowing that in order to communicate with each other, icons had to match the language needed to make the phonetic sounds we hear today. Things had to be written as an alphabet in whichever language in order to make the best sense of what needed to be said. Language and graphical communication go hand-in-hand and come in different forms. However our brain processes it is the solution we make to what they started with. The design elements have derived from centuries of trial and error in my opinion. But without this trial and error, we would not understand how these icons work. We got to thank our ever-evolving history for that one.