Both readings give different yet similar perspectives on the roles of a designer. Armstrong gave us how the role of a designer was during the twentieth century, how the designers kept their names anonymous yet some went for authorships. It was either personal or universal for a designer. But during those times it was I would say difficult for a designer because of the political situations that were arising such as world wars, Nazis and so on. At the same time it was a key point for the designers to express themselves through their work. Avant-garde was an art movement that was formed, a French term that translates to ” Advance Guard”. Designers back then were more about objectivity and nuetrality.

Munari talk about the field of being a designer. A designer changes his or her art style based on the time period. They develop a contact between ‘art and the public’. The role of a designer that should be played today is to create/design new ideas by having creative and strategic design thinking. Graphic designers today. have many opportunities than back then. Technology have advanced such as Adobe, designers create designs regarding social awareness, cultural diversity and so on.

The term designer can be broad for some, for example it can be visual designer, industrial designer or engineer designer. But, those are completely different fields from a graphic designer. Graphic designers are in charge of ” The press, of books, of printed advertisements and everywhere the printed word appears whether on a sheet of paper or a bottle.” (Munari p33) A designer’s job has to fulfill the demands of its client until they reach their satisfaction.