For this weeks readings they focused on technology and it’s impact on the art world.

The reading on Bayer, “On Typography” starts with the line “typography is a service art not a fine art.” This sets the the theme of the reading in my opinion. In this line and subsequent paragraphs, he is talking about the ideas artists have made regarding typography. It is hard to believe that the Gutenberg press was at the forefront of technology when it was first made, vs now we have all integrated into life with technology as powerful and small to fit in our pockets. This is the norm we have ascribed to and thinking about the beginnings of tech can help us move forward.

Later on in the reading he mentions, “their efforts must be valued as they keep the aesthetic from falling, and because they alone set the pace in taste.” To me this sums up the entire reading, the whole point of having skills like book making, or hand lettering, is to have refined end product that is both pleasing to look at and also reviewed for being unique or uncommon. Going back to the basics and understanding the process is a great lesson and I can’t think of another substitute. For example traditional book making from creating pages to binding the finished book have lost its novelty through things like the press and publishing companies. As an artist I appreciate the basics and the way things were made. And as a consumer, I appreciate the choice I have when I go into a Strand store. I feel it is important to know where we came from whether it be culturally or historically so we can make even better ideas.