The 20th century was meaningful for the art and design industry. Artist such as Marinetti, Rodchenko and El Lissitzky wrote what they thought about technology and the evolution of design. In “Our Book”, El Lissitzky stated that language is vulnerable to change and with that the visual aspect of the book changes. According to him, the only thing that will not change are hieroglyphics because they are the same in every country, it is an international language. 

Technology has been ruling our lives since its invention. As Marinetti said in his Manifesto, “the world has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed.” I totally agree with that because with the introduction of technology, everything speeds up. 

On the other hand, Aleksander Rodchenko talks about technology and mass production, he states that graphic design has the power and ability to influence society. “We didn’t create technology. We didn’t create man. but we, Artists yesterday constructors today”, he says. This is one of my favorite passages from the readings because in one way or another this is true. We, artists and designers, have the power to influence people. 

Most of what they said at the time is true. Technology has changed our lives, design can influence how people think and interact work each other and speed, speed is something that is always present.