From the article is that Armstrong explains the early signs of modern graphic design , it was shown that early movement as the Avant-Garde truly believe design should be more functional. Armstrong point out the designers of today must be a mix neutrality and objectivity that is still impossible to find which one is better. So, they must be integrated in equal porportion in a good standard work in nowaday.

         Armstrong mentioned some elements that have to be a kind of landmarks in the modern designers. 1 The design itself must display its meaning in a language accesible almost to anybody.  2 The designer have a great responsability with the society where the works are shown. 3 Each design must have a great charge of inspiration to other designers that have the privilige of seeing the Works.  

          Munari concentrates his opinión on the impact that technology and take the new designs unto a new whole level and being more creative, vibrant, and complex. There are some issues of being inspired by the past, sometimes too much! The modern designers concentrate to emulate in new media, the past glories of the design. This is something that the modern design has to surpass, it is a goal of our generation and those who will follow us to take the whole advantages that new media offer us and create new styles only possible for our tools, our creativity, our generation.