Some things I don’t understand and was wondering while reading:


  • Are gestures language the same as does body language?
    • I wonder this because the reading says “the “language” of bees to the “language” of gesture”
  • What really make a language articulate?
    • Is this exclusive to written language? They complexity and specific meaning but what about other was of communication.
  • “The image is in a certain manner the limit of meaning.” Images are known of having a lot to say, at least a thousand words.
    • Are maybe because in the context it is used images are limited by using it to send a specific message.
  • I also don’t know when I ever see an advertisement without some kind of imagery.
    • They probably exist but it probably has a harder time catch the attention an audience.
  • The message takes priority in advertising. People have to know what you are selling.
  • From my understanding, the three messages are:
    • Linguistic message- image that supports the caption/text
    • Coded iconic message- image only source of giving the message
    • Non-coded iconic message- no images, only text
  • Linguistic messages can be interpretation in different ways
  • Italianicity? Does it mean “still life.” A literal take in imagery
  • Color can be seen as a sign in an image but is that always the case? Or does this depend on main message.
  • How and why does “still life” depends on heavily cultural?
  • When an image lacks or is missing signs, should it still be understandable to the topic?
    • Maybe signs are bonus that mostly can improve the clarity of the message.
  • What is exactly the “code” term is used for?
  • For the statement, “we can agree to call it the literal message, as opposed to the previous symbolic message.” I think images can symbolic as well probably even with literal messages.