Research Papers

Smoking Cessation Counseling

        This assignment has taught me how to address people of all ages about the harm tobacco products have on the oral cavity and the body. I strive to have my patients know that I am concerned about their health and determined to assist them in their cessation process. I understand that it is hard for some people to quit, especially if they have been smoking for many years. By taking the time to ask, advise, assess, assist, and arrange follow-up appointments, I will educate my future patients about their health and make them feel comfortable to reach out if they need any help and advice. 

Writting Assignent 1 DEN 1100


Understanding Gingivitis and Oral Care

      From this assignment, I learned more about the importance of oral care which I will be using to educate my patients. I have learned the benefits of different types of toothbrushes in order to make the best recommendations for my patients’ individual needs. In addition, I learned the different brushing methods for my patients to use in order to achieve their optimal oral hygiene. Additionally, I learned more about Gingivitis and the beneficial tips  that I can give my patients to help prevent it from  progressing into Periodontitis. Many patients are not aware that they have Gingivitis, therefore, it is essential to educate my future patients on the importance of their oral care and health. 

DEN 1100 Writing assignment 2


Refusing Dental Radiographs

       It is necessary to take X-rays to evaluate anything that cannot be clinically seen.  This can cause a dilemma if a patient refuses to get an x-ray taken. Some patients refuse dental radiographs because they are uncomfortable about the amount of radiation that they are receiving, religious beliefs, presence of tori, or they have a strong gag reflux. In this situation, I will be confident to explain to the patient how the benefits of radiation highly outweigh the risks. I would educate my patients that we are being exposed to radiation every day from natural and man-made sources including cell phones and the sun. I would explain how we are using minimal radiation to take the x-ray and that I will be protecting them by putting a lead apron and thyroid collar on them. Additionally, I would emphasize to the patient that the radiographs are important for proper diagnosis. My main goal as a dental hygienist is to get my patient’s trust so that they will amend to my recommendations. If the patient still refuses to get their radiographs taken, this can be challenging for the dental staff. Since the dental staff could be held liable if there is failure to diagnose any abnormalities, the dentist will often offer to take less radiographs or dismiss the patient. 

DEN 1218 Essay


Comparing the Effect of Chemical vs. Herbal Origin Whitening Toothpaste on Human Enamel

          This study is important because many patients are concerned about the cosmetic appearance of their teeth. Additionally, they are curious about the ingredients inside of their toothpaste and how it is affecting their health. As a future dental hygienist, it is importance to know the different ingredients inside of each tube of dentifrice in order to make the best recommendations to patients. This article has taught me that toothpastes containing herbal ingredients have a similar whitening effect as the chemical ingredients and can create less surface changes. I can apply these findings when I am making recommendations for a whitening dentifrice. I would like to further educate my patients that herbal ingredients in whitening toothpaste can minimize sensitivity and harm to their enamel.

DEN 1200 Article Analysis


Papillomas (not HPV)

       This paper has taught me more about papillomas. As a future dental hygienist, papillomas are relevant to me because they contain antigens of the human papilloma virus (HPV.)  It is important to be aware of the clinical presentation, prognosis and treatment of papillomas and HPV. The human papillomavirus is of concern in America because it is a one of the most seen sexually transmitted infections that can become cancerous. Therefore, it is important to utilize my clinical judgement while assessing these lesions. Although papillomas are not cancerous, they can cause discomfort to the patient. Therefore, it is important to give the patient a referral if I see any suspicious oral lesion that resembles a papilloma.

DEN 2311 Paper-1