Personal and Professional Goals

One of Valladares’s professional short term goal is to volunteer in at least three different events. This will allow to become more involved in the fashion industry. Valladares work at an entry level job for a luxury brand such as Chanel or Dior. Prior to accomplishing this goal, she aims on surpassing her performance at her current employer by revising her performance each week and improve consecutively in every task. In addition to that, another professional goal is to attain a higher job position as a supervisor. Her experience and skills will allow her to obtain that position and manage it efficiently. Furthermore, Valladares will research for job openings and modify resume and cover letter. For her brand’s personal goal, she intends on increasing her overall GPA to a minimum of 3.5 upon completing her baccalaureate degree in The Business and Technology of Fashion. She will devote herself to study and read for 3 hours a day which will expand her knowledge as well as strengthen her writing skills. Not to mention, Valladares also plans on acquiring a scholarship for graduate school. Another personal goal for Valladares is to minimize financial setbacks for traveling. Traveling leads to new experiences and one can even network through traveling. Lastly, Valladares will establish good credit and determine budget in order to move out and become independent.

Personal and Professional Objectives

The brand Kelly Valladares will work on becoming more involved in the fashion industry. This would lead to a greater opportunity to network with professionals. This can also lead to more experience which may be useful for future jobs. In addition to that, Valladares will work for two more internships in different areas of the fashion industry to have a clear idea of what fits best to her interest and qualities. Internships are very beneficial as they tend to enhance one’s skills and assist in gaining new skills. Another professional objective is to find a career job with annual salary that also offers a 401k plan. Valladares will carefully plan her future and utilize the benefits which her future career job has to offer. As far as her brand’s personal objectives, Valladares will attend graduate school and obtain a master’s degree in fashion marketing. She will also travel to five different countries and learn about different cultures. This may be beneficial as some jobs require traveling. The final objective is to move out and become independent.

Mission Statement

The brand Kelly Valladares aims towards finding a career job in the marketing field of fashion which will allow her to utilize and enhance her skills as well as build stronger relationships for business network opportunities. To accomplish this, Valladares will gain as much relevant experience as possible through experiential learning via internships and expanding her knowledge through university courses. She plans to attend graduate school and obtain a master’s degree in fashion. Valladares will seize her opportunities to reach her goal and maximize her full potential. Her brand highly values quality and will assure to provide the best quality work to all employers. Valladares’s personal mission statement is to make the most out of life and positively impact the lives of others. Her brand’s mission will guide her towards a path to success. One of her major achievements consist of obtaining an associate degree in Fashion Marketing while maintaining a GPA above 3.0. Valladares takes pride in this as she is a first-generation college student. Another major achievement is becoming employee of the month at her current employer which encouraged her to do improve and exceed expectations.