Project Budget


$10 – Flash drive. This is one method of ensuring that Tanya has the show at the end of the semester. This is just included in case she does not own a flash drive that she would like to use, and there are flash drives that would work available for even less money than this on Amazon.

$10 – Printing. This is included just to ensure the money is available in case I need to print large versions of system diagrams, although I believe I can print adequate sizes of the diagrams off of the plotter in the second floor computer lab.

$50 – To purchase sounds with, if needed. This is very much a precaution, I do not anticipate needing this.

$60 – Qlab Daily Rentals. Qlab rents their Pro Audio bundle for $5 a day. I’ve included this to provide for twelve days of rentals, just in case I need to rent it. I do not foresee myself having to do so, as the school owns the full version, but I wanted to budget for this just in case I need to rent it outside of the building to get the project done.

Total estimated budget: $130


Sound purchases, QLab rentals not needed.

Total: $0

No money ended up being needed for the project itself as everything was done with materials from the school tech room with music supplied by the performer.

A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio