
For my culmination project, I acted as the sound designer for “Tanya Solomon: Truth Assassin,” a magic show running for three performances at the Voorhees Theater. My responsibilities include designing the system and ensuring that it is installed correctly, setting up the patch on the sound board, building the QLab session that will control the show, and adding in any needed music or sound effects for the performances. Two members of the A/V crew will be running the show for me, and my job is to make it as foolproof as possible, and as easy for them to follow as possible, as well as a possible substitute operator if they both call out sick. This entire process took place over several weeks, with the bulk of my part of the project taking place just before and during tech week.

From this experience, I hope to get a better understanding of what it takes to design the sound elements for a brand new show, as well as hopefully push myself to draw from all my classes and experience at CityTech.

A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio