Week 13

11-24-17 The Thanksgiving break has renewed my ability to work. After the hell that box lifting I needed a break, Anyways were back to the index cards but this time were writing down they will be getting a holiday card and a “We’ve moved letter”. A different variation of the usual work but it’s a nice change of pace.

11-25-17 Early morning was more of the same work as yesterday but after so many weeks of boxes I got a chance to do some graphic design stuff! What an opportunity! Another volunteer and I met with a client that has been visiting here about every 2 weeks. His name is a Akeem, and he wants to create a book filled with poems about life on the street. Another volunteer has worked hard with him on this and I only wish to do the same. Akeem’s poems have more of a rap influence than the standard poem stuff I know but there’s something a bit more genuine and interesting. I probably shouldn’t be assuming things but the poems seem to be about certain aspects of his life which really sells the rhymes and themes of the poems. While they may seem a bit controversial, I believe he’s speaking from the heart and that already separates him from the several hundred other writers in the world. The day was mostly spent doing some small spelling errors and text placement in In Design to make sure the lines flowed as well as his rhymes. We also made sure that the text and title matched the other previous work that’s been done to ensure consistent placement. (Thank you master pages) Lastly, we attempted to similar designs that were laid on by another volunteer and searched images that we can use to bring into Photoshop. Overall a fantastic day for design work, just wish I got more of it.