Week 14

The last week approaches and my hours are complete. My time at the WPC was an interesting and positive one, even when I was complaining about the moving. I learned several new things and they were not just design related.

I was able to see the power of a community. I thought since I lived in New York, the idea of helping someone or being chummy with each other was taboo to me. but it was a nice thing to experience. I was worried that the canvasing we did would only get us slammed doors and escorts to the exit but the people here seem genuinely friendly and even interested in helping people out. Human beings being human beings, who knew.

Even though my time with them as an intern is over, I still would like to help them and their endeavors sometime soon, doesn’t even have to be design related. WPC’s goals are something that really resonate with me and would be glad to offer any spare time  I have to assist them.