Week 11

11-9-17 With a few days of rest from boxes (and by rest I mean I had class), I was greeted with, more boxes! But this time they were filled with paper, mainly the tons of duplicate papers and unnecessary papers WPC had. This meant a trip to the paper recycling plant. With the same volunteer that does food pickup, a few other volunteers and I filled his car up with paper and drove a short distance to the recycling place. We unloaded the paper on top of another pile of paper and watched one of those big trick things scoop up the paper and chuck it someplace else. Pretty neat honestly. After that the next task was metal recycling which meant trying to fit old filing cabinets into a van into a metal scrap yard. The group dropped of the cabinets near a spot and once it was clear we saw the power of magnetism at work. A giant metal skill crane looking thing presses onto the cabinets, lifts it, then throws it in the back. Don’t know why but there’s something cathartic about things being broken. This seems to be the highlight of the internship so far.

11-10-17 We return packing stuff in boxes. And that’s pretty much the entire day. Also some more card stuff since the film event is drawing nearer.

11-11-17- Probably more of the same stuff. Can’t remember after the previous high of watching metal get destroyed everything else seems a bit dull now. Shortest yet longest work week.

2nd book reading: Another class, another in class book reading. This time, the stuff here was more common sense to me. Biggest thing that confused me was the double check for errors and correct names, recipients and spelling. Apparently a lot of people aren’t double checking their emails, so maybe I have a leg up on most people. A lot of this stuff feels like a condensed version of my English writing in the work place class. Since it’s being brought up again at least I know that workplace writing is crucial now. I will say that I found the bit about humor a bit useful, which mostly means to avoid it since nobody can take a joke these days.