About Me

Practicing on my typodont

Hello! My name is Kaitlin Quigley. Having a career in dentistry really hit close to home for me. My mother had severe dental anxiety. She would never go to the dentist for check-ups instead, she would wait so long that usually there would be a problem so severe that fixing the problem would end up being costly.  As I became older I saw that her anxiety was being passed on to me, and I realized that being afraid to take care of yourself shouldn’t be an issue. I realized how much I wanted to help people feel comfortable with helping themselves. From that moment on I knew I wanted to pursue a dental career. Many have sought the spot of a dental hygiene student and I am very proud and honored to have been able to achieve my spot in this program. I look forward to continuing to have many rewarding experiences as a future RDH and to make positive changes in my community.