Elevator Pitch


Hi again, the way that I got involved with my internship was through the BTTIP program in my school. Every Wednesday we have a 3 hour workshop to speak about career readiness and how to build our portfolios. In the first workshop we had a discussion about how to create an elevator pitch. We partnered up with someone we did not know. The task was to give off your elevator pitch without the person you were speaking to getting thrown off or not interested to hear about you. I was a little nervous discussing my information to a stranger.

My main struggle was making eye contact with the person eye to eye. I felt like it would become a bit creepy if I just gazed into the persons face. After we were done giving off our elevator pitch to a couple of people we sat to discuss our difficulties. I automatically raised my hand and asked, “How can I not look creepy by starring into someones face?” She told me that it is good to make eye contact with someone, but if it gets a little awkward you can always stare at something that is near the person. I found that to be a good strategy and I will take that into consideration for next time. These workshops are very helpful because they help me boost my confidence up. They also spoke about how to make connections and how to network with people for future jobs. My chances of getting a job for the future are looking pretty good thanks to the BTTIP program.