Week 6

Session 1

Introduction Read this short article on Ed Ruscha’s typography paintings and then view more of them by Google (image) searching: Ed Ruscha typography.

Comment here on how the typography affects your understanding of the word.

>> REMINDER Use this time to make sure you have a page visible in your ePortfolio with your sections that should be done for today:

• Section 1 | Anatomy

• Section 2 | Five Families (by EoD)

• Section 4 | Alignment

1) Help with Section 3 | Variations

• Weight – Be sure to pick something with clear indication of weight gain and loss (rather than contrast of a cursive character)

• Width – Here are two typefaces that have both condensed and expanded in their collections: Walkway ( condensed| expand ) and Mesmerize ( condensed | expanded )

• Posture – Consider a typeface that shows a calligraphic italic, and a “Leaning Tower of (insert typeface here) oblique:

Below you will find 1) Roman 2) Italic 3) Oblique,

Garamond, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oblique_type

• Stress – I.e. use a cursive letter that has two areas of thinning

Contrast – Remember what you know about the evolution (Five Families) how they went from low contrast, to high to no contrast… pick typefaces accordingly

Serif – Search for a typeface with a brackets to a serif that tilt

2) Section 5 | Leading, Tracking, Kerning (due 10/15) see sample here

In review:

Typography: Kerning, Leading and Tracking

3) Workshop

4) Critique: Five Families & Principles of Design

1) Divide printer paper into two sheets

2) Walk around the classroom and pick one computer to write one comment about the following: In which one of the five designs is a principle of design most clear/apparent? What aspect of the design makes that clearly known?

3) At a different person’s computer, use your last sheet to comment on the following: In which one design is the principle of design unclear? What advice can you give to help make that principle of design more clearly apparent in the work?

** Distribute comments accordingly (if you see one empty computer, leave them a comment rather than at one where there is already a comment)

** By the end of the critique, you should have use both your sheets of paper!

Session 2

Introduction Play the game Shape Type and comment with your average score in the discussion page.

1) Photoshop Demo for Monograms

screen-shot-2013-07-09-at-5-44-02-pm http://professorballate.blogspot.com/2013/07/introduction-to-design.html

• Create a multi-layer custom monogram on square canvas

Convert text to outline: 1) click on layer 2) Menu > Type > Covert to shape 3) direct select

• “Save for web” and import JPG into InDesign

2) Type on Path Demo

Section 6 | Type on a Path (due 10/15)

• Importing JPG, reducing opacity

• Layer over a path using pen tool

• Type on a path with copy on pen tool, adjust boundaries

• Utilizing the shape tools to create more paths efficiently

• Required lines:

– One vertical path

– Type on a smooth curve

– Type on a sharp curve

– Type on a circular path

Not required, but for some additional fun:

For even more special effects:

3) Workshop

Section 5 | Leading, Tracking, Kerning (due 10/15)

Section 6 | Type on a Path (due 10/15)