Week 14

Session 1

Quiz #4 on Quality of Typography Checklist @9:15–9:45am

Introduction Continue working on your magazines (refine print version, or continue with interactive version)

1) Demo Animationscreen-shot-2016-12-09-at-4-57-25-pm

• Regular

• On path

1. Create a path using pencil tool

2. Select both object and tool, select Animation > Convert to motion path

3. Decide when Event to Occur, Duration, Rotate, Scale, Loop

4. Use pen tool to screen-shot-2016-12-09-at-4-58-15-pmmake adjustments to path

5. Use Timing to correspond with other animation

2) Demo “Page Curl”

3) Workshop

4) 1-on-1 about missing assignments

5) How to export

“Page Curl” is optional

Session 2

1) FINAL EXAM review

Divide into 3 separate groups:

• Research the answers to your group’s assigned section (use our Lecture notes, Resources page)

1) Typography Basics

2) History & Standards

3) Conventions

• Answer your assigned blog post prompts with text, pictures, links, and videos, to teach a 10 minute review lecture on your section to the class

2) Teacher Evaluations