Session 1
Quiz #4 on Quality of Typography Checklist @9:15â9:45am
Introduction Continue working on your magazines (refine print version, or continue with interactive version)
1) Demo Animation
⢠On path
1. Create a path using pencil tool
2. Select both object and tool, select Animation > Convert to motion path
3. Decide when Event to Occur, Duration, Rotate, Scale, Loop
4. Use pen tool to make adjustments to path
5. Use Timing to correspond with other animation
2) Demo “Page Curl”
3) Workshop
4) 1-on-1Â about missing assignments
5) How to export
Session 2
1) FINAL EXAM review
Divide into 3 separate groups:
⢠Research the answers to your group’s assigned section (use our Lecture notes, Resources page)
3) Conventions
⢠Answer your assigned blog post prompts with text, pictures, links, and videos, to teach a 10 minute review lecture on your section to the class
2) Teacher Evaluations