Assignment Week 12 (due 12/3)

ePortfolio Submission on Design Inspiration

1) Research – Find one design-conscientious magazine from this link attached or beyond, to help inspire the layout and design choices of your magazine.

2) Study – Use this magazine as your mentor: study it, understand its logic, get into the mind of its designer. Use what you’ve learned to guide specific decisions in your magazine as you work on it these next 2 weeks.

3) Write – On your Project #2 ePortfolio page, write 1 paragraph pointing out how/where this magazine inspired your own magazine.

4) Credit – Be sure to name the original designer and include 2-3 pictures of the inspirational magazine.

** Go to my Project #2 ePortfolio sample page for help **

Quiz (12/3) @ 9:15am – 9:50am

On the Anatomy of Magazine worksheet given in class (provided here below). Read more specifically about these terms from this citation. Know where all the terms belong:this worksheet

Watch Helvetica in full, so that you will be ready to contribute to Week 13 introduction discussion page.

Email me at if link becomes unavailable.