Visual Quote


I had always had this quote in mind ever since I heard in one of my favorite’s band Avenge Sevenfold’s song Bat Country. It was the last line of the song that caught my mind, which suits me well since I am known to be different from the rest but yet value able in my family.


Visual Quote 1

For this poster I wanted to use my favorite colors and also use lines to demonstrate my transition of abnormal to simple. I used 6 colors in total however they mostly transparent, in order to fit the motion my poster has as well. I choose a display font of the word “Weird” because I also wanted to reflect the Categories of the band which was heavy Metal.


Visual Quote 2









For this poster I had Wanted to play around with the typography as well as messing around the negative space. I also had used 3 types of fronts which includes a sans serif and a serif.I as well wanted the space to be a bit awkward since I want the poster to be weird. I had also added a wave around the center of the poster to make comparison between good and bad.


Visual Quote 3




















For this Poster, It was required to include a photograph so I decied to show a photo of a Hickory Horned Devil since they are known to be the most weirdest looking caterpillar. However when it becomes a moth, it’s known to create the rich silk. But it is also one of the most rarest to obtain for the markert. I loved how this relates to quote since the weirdest one will always be hunted down for their rarest impact.

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