Ligature Banner

Logo Design

for this assignment, we needed to make our own logo using the ligature reading to give us ideas on the style we could use for our own design.


For this sketch I wanted both uppercase letters to fit in box which required some adjustments for the idea. I had them combined using the ends of the letter which made the M into a shape. I had also noticed the M created an arrow which points to the K. This was a sort of a way to indicate that you should go to Kelly, Others might say that it makes a heart shape.


For this sketch I wanted to make more ways to combine the uppercase letters using the stroke of the K and the stroke of M. However, I wanted to use s Slab serif and a modern serif which can bring attention. But with the different stroke patterns I find it intense which ruins the simple logo design.



For this final sketch I wanted the combination of an upper case letter with a lowercase letter. I found this thumbnail more to my liking due to the letters being combine together as one. The sans serif made the design more pleasing to the eye. The K and the m would work well together for it’s continuous stroke.

Final design

For the final Design I wanted to add my favorite color which is magenta, which I feel like the color can give an ideas about me, soft but encouraging which I like to give support and help others. The curl on the end of the M would hope to give a sense of silliness which I have.