Journal Entry 2 The Foundation and Entry

When I first found out about women’ s press collective I read a sheet describing what exactly they were looking for in an intern. What really sparked my interest was the position being involved in journalism. I alway had an interest in this field and when the opportunity arrived i jumped at it. I was given a number to call, and the person I was told to speak with is a women by the name of Lisa Daniels. I immediately called her the following morning and she was extremely soft spoken and kind. We scheduled and meeting for my orientation where I was shown the on site equipment and staff. I explained to her my skill sets in Photoshop & Indesign. The first task i was given was to correct and photo edit all of the images in the 2017 issue of collective endeavors which is their monthly magazine that highlights social optical topics in local communities and across. My task in detail is to take 15 images and edit them. During my interview I was asked how much do I know about local community events, I respond “I don’t know to many”, to which they asked me if i would care to learn and discover more about it. I respond with “I care to learn more than just skills, With these events I feel like I’m also discovering new different perspectives.” After this interview we shortly began the photo editing on Collective Endeavors.

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