Final Presentation Outline – Responsibilities and Requirements

The composite outline document has been updated again (December 11)  and again at 5:30 pm and again at 7 pm – up to version 5.0A couple of notes for clarity:This is a copy of what I have received so far from the class teams – about 50% of you are late and have not submitted.

You must forward this ASAP via email or post it as a reply to this post.

Site Planning Final Presentation Assignments Ver.5.0

Team Name AM Class PM Classs
MicroClimate Received Received
OpenSpace Received Received
History Received Received
Land Use / Zoning Received *Missing
Sustainability Received Received
Circulation Received Received
This presentation effort requires each of you to work simultaneously on three levels at once – and all three are important:

  • 1- You are responsible to yourself – you must clearly state what you are working on – and complete this work for yourself and for your team. Each of you must have a clearly defined set of responsibilities for the final project.
  • 2- You are responsible to your team – you must make yourself available to your team, you must meet with them and respond to emails, etc. You must provide answers to questions from teammates on a timely manner since they may require your information to complete their own work.
  • 3- Your are responsible to the class – you and your team need to keep in mind that this is a class presentation with sections of responsibility based on your team (Climate, Sustainability, etc.).
  • Each team was asked to submit an outline to me by Friday so I could share this with the entire class.  About 50% of you have note responded.  The other teams (in particular the circulation group) need this information information for their own work. You must work as a class to create consistent professional graphics.
  • To this end you must use the template power point provided at the beginning of the semester.  You should see the work of the class as creating a book formatted 11 x 17.Each team should view their cover sheet as the first page of their chapter.
  • You can change the look of the cover page area to the right as long as you keep the border on the left margin – consider a different color etc.Your presentation must use the menu system I created on the left size – to be clear you should not use my headings or titles but headings and titles that match your team outline.


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4 Responses to Final Presentation Outline – Responsibilities and Requirements

  1. Hello Prof. where I must go to upload the semester project outline?

  2. Jianfeng yao says:

    Our group has a list of what everyone is doing, and has been send it to you. The outline has been submit it too. ( history afternoon group)

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