Category Archives: .Faculty

Zoning Text Sheet Question

One student has already laid out the zoning text and discovered that 4 columns makes the text too small – so three equal columns is fine.  Also it’s ok if a small amount runs onto a second page.

Posted in Prof. King, Student-Questions | Leave a comment



Posted in Delacruz,Brandon, Teles,Charlie, Varol,Berrin, Yang,Chenhui | 2 Comments

Please post today’s presentations

Please be sure that one member of each team has posted the team presentation – as it was presented in class today – on blackboard – as a pdf. If you have already done this you do not need to … Continue reading

Posted in Prof. King | Leave a comment

Sample Zoning Table from Class

Posted in Class Notes, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Zoning Set Requirements

General Notes This is individual work based on shared group research. This is you very first important individual grade of the semester. Each of you must create your own AutoCad files. The deadline is Sunday evening at midnight. There is … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Title block for Zoning Sheets

You will find an AutoCad titleblock template for your zoning set in the following location on the S: drive accessible here at the department computer labs S:\Arch 2330 Building Technology III\Acad THIS TITLEBLOCK SHOULD BE REFERENCED INTO PAPERSPACE FOR YOUR … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Prof. King | Leave a comment


Team 3-Jay St. Health Club Zoning

Posted in Kevelier,Ariana, Martinez,James, Students | Leave a comment

Grading Rubric for Zoning Presentations

I noticed that for the first presentation that some groups did not follow my post that listed everything that was required and so many of you left out some important items.  To be clearer for the upcoming zoning presentation below … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Grading Stats and Comments for First Presentation

Grading Stats: Both classes.  4 teams have not submitted their presentations to blackboard Below are some of the comments for various teams.  Your comments are posted on blackboard. Enlarge plans for structural drawings and add dimensions. Check spelling of mechanical … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Zoning Presentation Guidelines

Keep your presentations in the basic order of the sheets I laid out in class: All teams are to follow this organization. Slide 1- Title and Team members remember to name the file correctly.  Include the word zoning and the … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Prof. King | Leave a comment