Category Archives: Assignments

Grading Stats and Comments for First Presentation

Grading Stats: Both classes.  4 teams have not submitted their presentations to blackboard Below are some of the comments for various teams.  Your comments are posted on blackboard. Enlarge plans for structural drawings and add dimensions. Check spelling of mechanical … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Zoning Presentation Guidelines

Keep your presentations in the basic order of the sheets I laid out in class: All teams are to follow this organization. Slide 1- Title and Team members remember to name the file correctly.  Include the word zoning and the … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Please post your presentations again by tonight

Please have one team member re-post your presentations for grading on blackboard. Make certain the file name includes: The assignment name (bldg and site analysis) The date The members of the team Inside the presentation make sure credit is given … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Team 6 (Berrin Varol, Charlie Teles, Brandon De La Cruz, Chenhui Yang): Presentation

Team 6- Total Fitness Gym, 219 Jay Street, Brooklyn 11201

Posted in Assignments, Delacruz,Brandon, Teles,Charlie, Varol,Berrin, Yang,Chenhui | Leave a comment

Team 5 Interview (Evelyn Richardson, Jamal Sennon, Noor Shaken, Lision Lamnica)

Posted in Assignments, Lamnica,Lision, Richardson,Evelyn, Sennon,Jamal J, Shaheen,Noor | Leave a comment

Meet Team 2

Posted in Assignments, Delgado,Luis, Gonzalez,Fernando, Haque,Ahasan | Leave a comment

MEET TEAM 6 – Charlie T. – Berrin V. – Chen-Hui Y. – Brandon D.

Posted in Assignments, Delacruz,Brandon, Student-Questions, Teles,Charlie, Varol,Berrin, Yang,Chenhui | Leave a comment

group 4 interview( jennifer, elizabeth, alexis)

Posted in Assignments, Mendoza,Alexis, Ramirez,Elizabeth, Reyes,Jennifer | Leave a comment

Current Work 830 Class

Fix Team Post – Use your names in the post name – add category 1 slide as a jpg – opens in a new tab Confirm – Sign and Post Team schedule on openlab Create Team OpenLab Site (one team … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Team 3 Interview (Saribel.R Ying.R Kebba.M Francisco.M)

Posted in Assignments, Martinez,Francisco, Mass,Kebba, Ren,Ying, Rodriguez,Saribel, Students | 1 Comment