Letter from Patient in Case Study #1:

Sent: Monday, May 07, 2018 11:39 AM
To: Gwen Cohen-Brown <GCohen-Brown@citytech.cuny.edu>
Subject: Moran Tongue Photos from Thursday


Hi Dr. Brown,

I want to thank both you and Keisha for all the help and attention you afforded me last week during my cleaning concerning the anomaly you discovered far back on my tongue. I’ve made an appointment with my dentist in Florida, Dr. Sandy Rosenberg (https://www.visitdrsandy.com/ ) for next Monday and we’ll see where it goes from there.

If you could do me a favor and e-mail me some of the photos you took so I may send them to him prior to my visit I would appreciate it very much. As I promised, I will also obtain full copies of all the future documentation concerning this matter and e-mail it to you as you requested. I am in full appreciation of all your time and effort you’re so generously dedicating to this.

Again, thank you so much for your care and attention. As I told Keisha, you may have saved my life. I had no idea whatsoever.

All my best,