Hello all, my Name is Kevin Camacho, an 18 year old Graphic Arts major at New York City College of Technology. Currently you are viewing my page because, besides it being awesome, I love graphic arts. Ever since I was little, all I did was playing video games, which lead me to the conclusion that I should be a game designer so I could design what I love, and since graphic arts is one of the biggest roles in game design, on that career path I go. At NYCCT, I aim to earn my degree in graphic arts so that I may be able to actually create my own video game. Video games let people enter a world where they can be whatever, whoever, whenever, and usually that world comes from one person’s imagination, so why not let people see what I see? Although I may not be too great of an artist, I do have a bit of experience in photo shop and different techniques of art, so I’m sure that’ll come in handy when letting people into my mind. The biggest influences to me are definitely video games (surprise surprise), but also different websites like IGN.com and machinima.com, as well as magazines like game informer. I Hope one day a creation of mine will end up on one of the sites I enjoy. Thanks for reading and enjoy the site.