In preparation for next Wednesday’s (9/27/2023) exam, the review sheet will serve as an extra credit assignment.

Click here to download the review sheet.

  • Complete the even numbered problems on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Please make sure your work is legible. Number your solutions. Box in your answers.
  • You do not need to include the odd numbered solutions. Video solutions to those can be found here.
  • Your work shown must be yours. Working with friends/classmates is okay (and encouraged!), but using websites or apps is NOT. If I suspect an online solver of any kind was used, I will refuse the assignment and you will receive no credit.
  • Submit your work by uploading to Dropbox. Follow the steps on this video to upload as a pdf (multi-page if necessary), and rename the file accordingly:
  • lastname firstinitial date extracredit1.pdf
  • This extra credit assignment is worth 5 points towards your exam average.