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Naming Files on Dropbox

Naming files is imperative to keeping your folder organized. Please follow these rules so that grading is easier for me and less annoying for you.

  1. All files must be pdfs. Multiple page assignments must be uploaded as a single pdf file.
  2. Every single file that you upload has to be named beginning with your last name and first initial, with no spaces.
  3. Follow that with the date of submission. Use 2 digits for a single digit month or day. Please use month first and day second.
  4. After the name and date, you can put a small descriptor. Examples are assignment02, quiz07, exam01, etc.
  5. Here’s an example: Saquon Barkley will upload his fifth assignment as barkleys09-03assignment05.pdf.
  6. Make sure your file are easily readable. You can play around with the margins and contrast to do this.

If you get points off for your filename, fix it and I’ll give you those points back. Send me a comment in Dropbox letting me know you fixed it and I’ll look at it. Also, please fix all the files in your folder so everything is orderly.

OpenLab Assignment #1: Upload a 3-page PDF File to Dropbox

Practice uploading a PDF document to Dropbox. This assignment is due Thursday, February 2, 2023.

  • First page: Answer these questions on a piece of paper. Handwrite your answers. You’ll see why later.
  • Second page: A doodle! I miss seeing all of the drawings my students put on their quizzes! This drawing can be as detailed or as simple as you like, just make sure it’s lighthearted and fun!
  • Third page: Include a photo of yourself. It can be a selfie, a scan of another photo, or an attached photo from your phone (this can be done in the Dropbox app). Just make sure the photo is of you only. Go here on your phone to take an awesome photo:
  • Scan a 3-page PDF, (follow these instructions. Your assignment won’t be accepted if it is not uploaded correctly), rename the file using this scheme
    • lastname firstinitial date assignment.pdf
    • Use 2 digits for the month and day. August 27 is 08-27 and September 8 is 09-08.
    • Example: If Darth Vader submits his file on March 5 he will name it VaderD03-05drawing.pdf
    • Upload the file to our shared Dropbox folder. Do NOT email me asking if I received the file. Instead, use the comment feature in Dropbox to ask, and I will reply if I received it. Assume I do not see the file if I do not reply.
    • Instructions on using Dropbox can be found here, or here. Look here on naming Dropbox files.
    • This assignment is due Thursday, February 2, at the start of class.
    • Name your file lastnamefirstinitial0202assignment01.pdf
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