Journal Two

At Mission Magazine I work in the design department, though really, since we’re all around the table, it doesn’t seem as much as a depertment but more as a role, I do Graphic Design for their social media department, usually for their Instagram and its picked up a lot for the release of their third issue. My supervisor is Sonia Kovacevic, a managing editor. I selected the internship from Indeed sending multiple applications out just hoping that one was going to get back to me. Despite this, I remember really wanting this particular one, since I have an interest in print and this is company publishes a magazine. so when I got the interview I was very excited. The interview wasn’t much of an interview I remember, more of a chat, I walked in while some of the workers were typing away and the boss got me a drink and explained what Mission Magazine was, before showing me the pages of the most recent issue, they were taped up wall to wall and I was offered the job during the interview.