Brenda and Josue are walking through central park when they see up along there is a lady walking a dog. A shiba inu. Josue notices the dogs coming up and he start to get nervous. Josue grips on Brenda’s hand tightens as he start to slow down. Josue come almost to a crawl when he goes behind and around her. The dogs are right at their feet now and Brenda gets down to pet the shiba inu and as Brenda is petting it the shiba inu looks up at Josue and he am too scared to show it any affection as he takes a step back. Brenda looks at him with a smile and pulls him in toward the dog and puts his hand up to the shiba inus nose. Josue slowly approach it when suddenly it licks his hand. Josue pulls his hand back and is in disgust. He tries again to pet the dog and this time the dog doesn’t lick him and begins to circle Josue with excitement. Brenda gets a big smile. They says goodbye to the dog and the owner and Josue walks away with a smile.
Medium full shot two shot, medium full shot, Full close up, close medium shot, close up, close up, medium full shot, full close up, pedestal, full close up,