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Research Project: Milton Glaser


Milton Glaser is one of the most famous graphic designers of all time. I found out about Milton Glaser in my first semester at City Tech. I also found out that he was the one who created the I Love New York logo. As an aspiring artist from New York City, Milton Glaser’s famous “I Love NY” logo inspired me to learn about him and his artwork. Milton Glaser is known all around the world and is considered one of the best Graphic Designers of all time.


Milton Glaser’s interest in design started at a very young age. He was born in New York City in 1929 and he went to the high school of Music and Art. Later, he went on to study at the Cooper Union School of Art and graduated from there. According to Milton Glaser’s website, Cooper Union is “one of the best schools in the world to study design.” After he graduated from Cooper Union, he earned a scholarship to study at the Academy of fine art in Bologna, Italy. Glaser’s compelling artistic skills exposed him to the world of design at a very young age.


Milton Glaser is considered the father of Graphic Design. His compelling artwork has been published in museums like the Museum of Modern Art and Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. He is the first graphic designer to have one-man shows at both museums. Tourists from all around the world come to the MoMA to view his art. One of Milton Glaser’s famous art work is the famous I Love NY logo. Milton Glaser created the logo in the 1970’s and it is still used today. This symbol is seen everywhere in New York City because it is a famous design. Milton Glaser’s greatest accomplishments are the reasons why he is considered as the father of graphic design.


Milton Glaser started his own company in 1974 and works in several fields of design. Milton Glaser named the company after himself and is still designing to this day. Some branches of design he works with are corporate identities, environmental and interior design, and packaging. Milton Glaser designs logos and brochures for corporate identities. Another subject his company works with is restaurant and supermarket interior design. The last field of design is packaging, which includes food and beverage design. To conclude, Milton Glaser’s company worked with famous clients like the Brooklyn Brewery, Target, and Citibank.


To conclude, Milton Glaser is a famed twentieth century graphic designer. He is an encouraging icon for graphic designers and his artwork has been seen all around the world. The graphic artist also created a global icon for New York City and is still working today. Milton Glaser has his own company and has worked with several clients in the past. Milton Glaser is one of the greatest graphic designers of all time.


Works Cited

“Milton Glaser History.” Milton Glaser History. n.p. n.d. Web. 5 May 2016.


“Milton Glaser Biography, Designs and Facts” Famous Graphic Designers, n.p n.d. ­Web. 5 May




Field Trip to the United Federation of Teachers (UFT)


The field trip to the United Federation of Teachers was a field trip to remember. This trip was for educational purposes. Our tour conductor Oscar, is the chief of the printing lab at UFT. He was very kind and gave us information on the machines the company used daily. Some of the machines we saw were the ESPON 9800,  the mail machine and the inserter. The EPSON 9800 is an ink jet printer that can print large posters about 44 inches in width and 74 inches in length. This machine is used for high quality print like pictures and posters. The second machine we saw was used for printing envelope cards. This machine could easily print about 140,000 envelopes a day.  The third machine we saw was called the inserter. The inserter has it’s name from inserting papers into an envelope. The inserter simply folds the paper, inserts it into the envelope and seals it. This machine can do about 50,000 envelopes in a day.

The tour guide Oscar is the chief of the staff in the printing lab. Oscar gave us a tour around the lab showing us all different kinds of machines. He was also generous enough to show us how some of the machines work like the Prism, which can cut about 50 sheets of paper in one slice. Oscar told us that he has done plenty of jobs for all kinds of companies but he specializes in posters. He also gave us advice on the types of printers we should use if any us are planning to work in the printing field. Oscar concluded that he has made many mistakes in the past but those mistakes gave him the opportunity to grow and be a better leader.

 Envelope printerField Trip Picture 2 Brochure printer

Field Trip Picture Poster and picture printer (EPSON 9800)


The Analysis of the Experience of Visual Perception in Graphic Design Principles I


I did not expect much of my graphic design principles class I’m enrolled in now. The most I expected was to draw circles and squares because I heard about my professor from a student who had previously taken her course. I went to this course with a clear mind. In the beginning I found the class a bit challenging but after two sessions, I was confident in myself and very motivated to work my best.

This graphic design course was very useful because I learned about the focal point. I didn’t notice on how fickle the human eye truly is until now. I learned that the focal point is one of the keys to unlock the consumer’s undivided attention. The focal point of an image is the first thing (object) the consumer sees. Then comes perspective, an illusion of depth from size of objects headed into the vanishing point.

With perspective the shape shown for can go from 2-D to 3-D dimensions. This technique will be very useful in design production.

To conclude, I made friends with a few students in the class that were either one step ahead or needed improvement. As a class, we contributed to one another, teaching and learning the guidelines that work for one another. Working with markers and fine point pens improved my vision in critics. Now I use this technique everywhere I go.

The gouache project has been a tough project to improve on but practice makes perfect. However, I realized that the lesson to take home from this course is (o understand perspective and it’s dimensions, to know whether an image proportion is off by a 16th or a 32. Now I know the elements that can invite the viewer into the page.