The Analysis of the Experience of Visual Perception in Graphic Design Principles I


I did not expect much of my graphic design principles class I’m enrolled in now. The most I expected was to draw circles and squares because I heard about my professor from a student who had previously taken her course. I went to this course with a clear mind. In the beginning I found the class a bit challenging but after two sessions, I was confident in myself and very motivated to work my best.

This graphic design course was very useful because I learned about the focal point. I didn’t notice on how fickle the human eye truly is until now. I learned that the focal point is one of the keys to unlock the consumer’s undivided attention. The focal point of an image is the first thing (object) the consumer sees. Then comes perspective, an illusion of depth from size of objects headed into the vanishing point.

With perspective the shape shown for can go from 2-D to 3-D dimensions. This technique will be very useful in design production.

To conclude, I made friends with a few students in the class that were either one step ahead or needed improvement. As a class, we contributed to one another, teaching and learning the guidelines that work for one another. Working with markers and fine point pens improved my vision in critics. Now I use this technique everywhere I go.

The gouache project has been a tough project to improve on but practice makes perfect. However, I realized that the lesson to take home from this course is (o understand perspective and it’s dimensions, to know whether an image proportion is off by a 16th or a 32. Now I know the elements that can invite the viewer into the page.