Step 1: Go into Unity Hub, Installs, Add Modules and click on Android.

Step 2: Create a New File

Step 3: Go into File Settings, Build Settings, Android and then Switch Platform.

Step 4: Go into Window, Package Manager, Click Advanced and then Preview Packages

Step 5: Import AR Foundation, AR Subsystem, ARCore XR Plugin

Step 6: Go into Project Settings, Player, Other Settings, Android Logo,  Change Package Manager, Uncheck Multithreaded Rendering, Remove Vulcan and Check ARMv7.

Step 7: Remove Main Camera

Step 8: Right Click Hierarchy and add AR Session Origin, AR Session and a Cube.

Step 9: Click AR Session Origin and then AR Camera, Tag MainCamera

Step 10: Move the Cube Further from the Camera and Rotate it

Step 11: File, Build Settings, Make sure Run Device is your Android and hit Build. Transfer the file into your Android.

Step 12: Open the File in your Android and Eureka, it works!