
One of my most favorite assignment and challenging , was flyers design. I say that because even though it gave me difficultly at time I found a way to get the job at the end. Placement is key, just said in a previous blog entry. One flyer I had to design was for a real estate and construction ad on the products Captiv8 can design for these companies. It was confusing for me at first to come with a design because I only could have saw the ad go either real estate or construction only. I had to find a balance that focuses on both concepts in an ad. I looked online to see some flyers to help me spark an idea for layout. After doing so, the ideas started coming to me. I was very proud to use all the skills from Photoshop that I’ve learn from my internship being applied on this flyer because I see it was much more easier it was to design flyer than before.

Another Flyer was for a custom duffle bag that Captiv8 designed. This was supposed to be my first flyer. I had to move on to another project because the layout design wasn’t coming to me. The main factor that made this flyer difficult was the fact that one of the photo I took, I had cut of part of the bag. I later came to this project because I wanted to get it done and I’m glad Juan gave me another oppuruninity to do so. Like I did be before I looked online for reference. I quickly had a great idea that would help create a nice design. I showed Juan and he liked it. I was happy that I finally got this weight off my shoulder. I’m proud of myself for taking on the challenge and succeeding




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