Designer Ethics Journal 11

Everyone knows that there are consequences to taking someone’s work without permission or even crediting the source. In certain categories, there’s a fine you have to be careful to not cross.  Graphic design I would say is the best example of how a career uses resources or just makes its own. I know for a fact that you can’t copy and paste and claim that it’s yours even if you put a spin or two on it. The foundation of that work was not your idea. In my eyes, graphic designers have the ability to do 2 to 3 class types of design. These class types would be someone who creates their own sources, someone who manipulates a source, and someone who incorporates both.

For me to personally say I fit in the dynamic in doing both. Personally, I have a couple of reasons why I would be some who creates my own source and manipulates other sources. In terms of photography, I mostly like to go out and get my own sources since I’m able to take photos on a professional level. I like to sketch and create my graphics on pen and paper, later on, I scan it in and use my adobe programs to create a final graphic. However, in many cases, I’m gonna need to use other sources that I can’t get on my own which leads to the manipulation. My main reason for doing this is something pretty classic and that’s time. I’m given like a rush job, to struggle to finish a heavy work-based project. I would mockups are a good example, I love using mockups because my work becomes more professional and gives a better visual for people. I place my graphic or image on the product, change the lighting, play around with other things, and tada I have a happy client.

I have various sources I like to go to and I would buy the licenses that allow using this for personal use. Sometimes a lot of stuff has both personal and commercial use for under $25 which I think is a steal. Of course, s a lot of times if something is free they would ask to credit that work by sharing a link of something along those lines.

I’ll share some of my favorite soucres.