Cover Letter


Dear Chanel Hiring Committee,

I am writing this letter to express my interest in the position of Fashion Advisor at the Madison Avenue location. For the past years, I’ve experienced different fields that require interacting with the public. One of my jobs, Numerator for the Census Bureau, has helped me to conduct interviews with people who were unwilling to. This provided an opportunity to learn how to direct people in accomplishing a certain task I needed to achieve. While conducting these interviews, I was entrusted with confidential information. While this may have caused doubt with the participants, I reassured them I was to be trusted with official government information. I provided them official Census paperwork, showed my credentials, and if needed gave them my supervisor’s number just in case if the participant had doubts. Another job that has allowed me to work with the public is ICHIRAN USA. Throughout my years at this establishment, I have sharpened my customer service skills. As a front of house worker, it was my duty to provide customers an ambient environment. It allowed customers to feel as they were transported to a different world where the only focus is their food. Another skill I picked up was directing customers to options of ramen, drinks, and sides if they were not sure what to pick. After a while, I was promoted to supervisor. I had to ensure that inexperienced staff can gain the experience to provide QSC; Quality, Service and Cleanliness. With these three factors, customers can feel the value and in turn does not mind the price that is paid. To keep track of the inexperienced staff’s progress, I took down notes on every staff\strengths and weakness. As supervisor, it is expected to run the floor for the entire shift and ensure that the kitchen and front of house had a smooth operation. Another duty of a supervisor is to fix any problems customers may encounter. Ive listened to and solve an inconvenience a customer had. If staff did something wrong, I explained to them how to encounter this situation properly the next time. As a supervisor, it was my responsibility to present ICHIRAN in the best light to new and returning customers.

With these experiences. I believe I can transfer these skills to the Chanel setting. As a fashion advisor, I can direct and suggest to many options of garments. If customers are bothered, I will know how to encounter that situation. As fashion student at the New York City College of Technology, I have had the opportunity to learn about many designers and the history of fashion. I can apply the knowledge acquired to the Chanel brand.  Certain classes such as Contemporary Designers and Luxury Markets, Gender Dress and Society have taught me about multiple designers and how they have shaped fashion.

With my achievements throughout my undergraduate years such as Deans Honor list, for 3 on to 4 years, has taught me how to balance school and work. It has taught me hard work pays off and is recognized.  It has also taught me that it is important to attend workshops to help myself be knowledgable. Whether this be directly related to my field or not, these workshops have taught me that networking is very important. In order to grow oneself’s brand, one must learn and adapt.